Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dear Quadracep Muscles

Dear Quads,
I owe you an apology. You've been upset with me all day and I've all but ignored you, hoping that you'd just get over it, already. But, now I realize that I was wrong we need to reconcile before I go to bed, because I don't believe in going to bed angry - and you are clearly *pissed* at me.

I would like to start out by saying that I really do appreciate you. You are what enables me to get up out of bed every morning. You put the bounce in my step. You really do keep me running. Don't think I don't notice all you do for me. But remember back in high school - how we would spend hours and hours on the soccer field and the tennis court? Oh, Quadricep Muscles, we had such good times jumping on the trampoline in the yard! We never had these kinds of problems! What happened to us?

Perhaps I'm being unfair because I know the full extent of your capabilities. Perhaps I'm pushing you too hard and expecting more out of you than you're able to give. It's not fair for me to judge you based on who you were in the past. You're a different muscle today than you were when we were 16. I recognize that, but I still say that we can be better! Time doesn't depict who we are - we get to decide!
Remember the time there was so much lactic acid buildup in you that you refused to cooperate with me? Remember how I nurtured you with epsom salts and potassium and water and nursed you back to health? And remember how that year I made the varsity team? We're a team, Quads. You and me, together we can conquer the world! Well, maybe not the world, but we can definitely evict some of the fat cells who contribute nothing to the good of this community. Those guys are jerks! But I can't get rid of them without you. So, really...let's get over this pity party you're having. Suck it up.

Pain Receptors

PS - I heard the Hamstring Brothers say you're a couple of sissies. Are you gonna take that? From the Hamstrings, of all muscles?

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